“I fell off my bicycle and got 2 big abrasions on both knees. I was skeptical about this product at first. But I followed the directions and diligently applied as directed. IT WORKS!!!! Just keep applying. I did for about 6 to 8 weeks thin film on the healing wound before the scab fell off. My scar is flat!!! It's been over a year since I got the injury. The scar is barely noticeable now. Miracle product. I am so happy. This is worth every penny. I am so glad I decided to try it. And no this is not a paid review.”
This is just one of many positive reviews! And there's plenty more where that came from.
Positive feedback keeps coming in
It’s no wonder ScarMD keeps getting positive reviews. The simple fact of the matter is that ScarMD works. It’s one thing to make promises, and the products are launched these days, it’s harder and harder to give companies the benefit of the doubt. One of the side-effects of living in the information age, is that there are paid reviews and marketing campaigns that are engineered to look sincere. That’s why we took it to Amazon to get true, unfiltered reviews from people that are actually using ScarMD for themselves or their loved ones. And the amazing part is that we couldn’t buy the positive reinforcement that we’re getting.
Here’s some more feedback from our customers
It’s so refreshing to hear how people are truly benefiting from continued use of ScarMD silicone gel, and sharing their experience with the rest of the world.
“Works very well after multiple uses, can see a difference after a week.”
“I bought it for my sister. She thinks it’s helpful to repair her scar.”
“I must admit, I have tried other scar products but this feels so much nicer, and started to work within 3 to 4 weeks. I need to continue for another few months, and hope my scar will completely disappear. Dries really fast too so no sticky yuk.”
While it’s nice to keep it short and sweet, some of the more detailed reviews of ScarMD silicone scar gel let us know what the whole experience is. Especially when it comes to insight on how ScarMD silicone gel works on both older and newer scars alike!
“Have only used this on an older scar so far (surgical scar from knee surgery). I really like the applicator - very easy to use, no mess, easy to carry, and no waste (which is crucial given how expensive this is!). While I have only used it on an older scar so far, I actually ordered this to use on scars associated with recent wrist surgery. I got the bandages, wrappings, splint,etc. removed this upcoming week and will be using it on new scars. I will update the review once I have had an opportunity to see how it performs on recent scar tissue. I think it is a bit expensive, but am hoping the convenience of being able to easily carry it in my pocket will make me use it more, and actually help more with the scar tissue. Wish me luck!”
Not only is ScarMD silicone gel easy to apply, people are beyond excited about how it feels.
“I ordered this for a burn scar on my leg that's a few months old. I'm hoping this will help to lighten up the skin and make it smoother. The main ingredient is silicone which is the most recommended for scar healing. I really love the easy roll on application. It actually feels pretty soothing on the skin. It leaves a light layer and I just wait until it's totally dry before putting on my clothing. So far it's made the scar skin feel smoother, I'm hoping that with long term use it will also improve the discoloration.”
We’d love to hear from you
If you’ve been using ScarMd silicone gel to treat your scars, or you’ve purchased for a loved one who has been seeing results, we’d love for you to share your experience with us. We believe that we have the best Silicone scar gel out there, and if you agree with us, then everybody who needs our solution should know how we’re changing the silicone scar gel game.
About AIM Medical
AIM Medical is a skincare products research, engineering and manufacturing company based in the world's medtech hub - Boston, Massachusetts. Dedicated to developing novel, safe, yet highly effective portfolio of products that target common dermatologic conditions, AIM Medical advances the high value opportunities for products that focus on wound care and atopic dermatitis. At AIM Medical we are proud of our heritage of creating health and beauty through technology innovation. We have aligned AIM Medical to be a worldwide healthcare brand advancing the cutting edge technologies to work in real.